Monday, July 31, 2006

Checking out

I had to go to my old place after work to meet up with my landlord and walk through the apartment. It was a little sad. My first year in Bremerton was a good one and I loved living downtown and very close to the ferry. The views of the sunset were good and I like a little city noise (and there was plenty of that). I love my new place and I'm so glad to be back in a home that I own, but I will always have a soft spot in my heart for my old apartment.

My mom did an incredible job of cleaning, so my landlord was very happy and I'm going to get my entire deposit back. It was a full Monday and I am going to try to catch up on some sleep tonight.

Tomorrow is Noah's birthday so there should be plenty of family pictures to post. Also, a shout out to Hannah who is coming to visit this week. I'm really excited to see her and I'm really happy that she may be coming to live closer to us in the near future.

Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear about the refunded deposit! It was worth it;-)

Anonymous said...

How proud are we that Mom read both our blogs today! She is the tech-wiz after all! Thanks for shout out and I will see you tomorrow!!! I keep thinking about mid week lunches downtown - how cool would that be!

Anonymous said...

All the Snelling sisters in one place again? Watch out world :)

COrealtor said...

cool new house! more pictures!! leaving the old one behind kinda stinks, but I'm sure you'll find plenty to love in the new place