Friday, July 28, 2006

All is well

I just got a lovely e-mail from telling me that my washer is now available for pickup. It looks like I may be able to get everything actually moved in tomorrow. With all of the stuff I have, I am always amazed that I can transport it from one place to another. I will be really grateful to get in and get settled. I have all kinds of projects on my list of things I want to do with the house, but my number one priority is to get back to a semblance of a balanced life. The last month has been a lot of fun and a lot of hard work, but I'd like my house projects to revert to weekend status.

I'll be offline for a few days until my cable is installed on Sunday. I'll try to drop in on a few friendly computers to post, but happy moving to all of my moving friends (Amy and Joanne) and Happy Friday to everyone else.


COrealtor said...

good luck with the big move! I added your blog to my site for all to see:

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Happy moving to you too. I envy that you only have to drive across town rather than across half the country--the desert, to boot!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the move, Sarah!

I hope it has cooled off a bit, and that your move will be swift and easy!