Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I forgot the diaper bag

For those of you who don't know, Josh and I own 3 houses. We each had a house when we got married and then we bought one together. We tried to sell our houses, but the market really took a dive and we got to the point where we were going to end up selling them for a loss, so we turned them into rentals. Today, we went to Josh's old house. We had a renter in there for the last 6 months that was originally going to buy the house. We hadn't been back there since she moved out and we were a little taken aback by the status of the house. She left a lot of stuff there and it was a mess. So, now we have to get it into shape to rent it again.

When we got to the house, I realized that I had forgotten the diaper bag. It wouldn't have been a problem except that Thomas woke up and was hungry. I fed him for a while and he fell asleep, but he woke up when we were in the middle of Loews and was hungry again. Now, when you don't have a bottle (it was in the diaper bag) and you can't change his diaper, you have to get creative. This led to me feeding him in the ladies room at Loews. Crazy. I'm sure this won't be the last time I forget something we need, but I will be a little more careful about leaving without the diaper bag.

That is all for our exciting day.


Robb and Rebecca said...

That's a double-whammy. I'm sorry to hear about your house. That always seems to happen to the best people. We are awesome renters, always leave a place spotless. I don't get it. She was probably mad because she can't get her deposit back anyway. Good story about the diaper bag. That one will go down in your memory as one of the worst times, since it was first. Glad it's all over...Love you...

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

Congratultions! "Mommy Mush Brain" has struck--and you'll get used to it. Remember Paris? It never really goes away...


Kristy said...

It is amazing the places you can figure out to nurse! I got some funny looks when I plopped myself down in front of a video at the Academy of Sciences last week. Whatever works!
Once small piece of advice that has saved me more times than I can count. (Like you really need more advice!) I always keep a packed diaper bag in the car. That way when I forget or run through everything in my regular bag, there are always extras in the car. There have been many a day that I have ended up using both! I ususally pick my least favorite sleepers/outfits and leave them in the bag in the car. When Maggie was taking formula, I even kept a bottle, some formula sticks and a bottle of water in there, then I was always prepared. It seems like a little bit anal retentive (which I can be at times anyway), but it always is worth it!
Anyway, I'm glad you guys are adjusting. I always enjoy seeing the pictures!