Thursday, October 09, 2008

My appointment

We all packed up this morning so that I could go to my 2 weeks post c-section appointment. It was a very simple appointment - my doctor just had to check my scar to make sure I am healing well. Everything looks good. And, I've lost 17 lbs since the baby was born.

Thomas continues to do well. He is hungry a lot, but that is just from being a growing boy. I am trying to rest when he sleeps to make sure I am getting enough rest. It is difficult to figure out how to do that the right way since I get up in the morning and then sort of get caught up in things going on around the house. Then, all of a sudden, it is time to go to bed again.

Tomorrow, we will go for a walk again since I am now allowed some light exercise. Hope all is well with all of you.

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