Sunday, October 26, 2008

Feeling kind of Sunday

I've been told there are not enough pictures, so we decided that we should post a picture a day. It will also give us a record of how much he is growing.

It is Sunday, so Thomas is decked out in his Seahawks onesie. Here he is cheering for the team (okay, not exactly - he is actually sleeping right now and this is a picture from earlier when he was playing).

This picture is blurry because he is waving his arms and legs around. As you can see from the slight smile on his face, this is the happiest time for him. He is really discovering freedom of movement.

I love this look. It is a mix of skepticism and mistrust - as in "Why do you keep taking pictures of me - isn't it time for me to eat again?"

Now that Thomas is a little more alert, it is really fun to see him trying out different facial expressions. We love seeing him learn and grow. Hope you are enjoying it, too.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I LOVE the picture a day idea. Helps those of us that aren't able to drop by on a whim. ;)