Sunday, March 06, 2011

Girl Scout Cookies

Right now, Thomas and I are sitting together, eating cookies and watching Super Why. He is drinking milk and I am drinking coffee. We came back to Seattle tonight because Josh doesn't have a hockey game and I have an early morning meeting (seriously, I think 8 am meetings on Mondays should be permanently banned). We headed over after Thomas took an extremely long nap (3.5 hours). Charlotte only took a one hour nap, so we had a lot of time to hang out together. Josh and I like that we get some time on Sunday afternoon with Charlotte while Thomas sleeps. He got so much of our attention when he was little and she has to share most of the time. We have a tradition in our family of saying "I love you" and pointing to the other person and then the other person replies "I love YOU" and back and forth. Until today, Charlotte would just grin every time we pointed at her. Today, she pointed at me and said it back. Awesome.

Our trip took a little longer than planned (there was an accident on the freeway), so we stopped at Southcenter and had dinner at Panera. They had mild for kids in boxes with a straw and Charlotte did great with it until she discovered that she could squeeze it and milk would squirt out of the time. We took it away first and then decided to try again. She did great again, but finally succumbed to temptation and it went everywhere again. Including all over Josh. We took the milk away and put the rest in a non spill sippy cup, but first we had a big laugh.

We are preparing for Lent and that is where the Girl Scout cookies come in. I am unable to resist cookies in general, but girls outside the market selling them are my kryptonite. I bought quite a few boxes. And now, we have solidified that the thing we will be giving up for Lent is sugar. That means we have to eat all of these cookies before Wednesday. Well, that is not exactly right. I did put a couple of boxes in the freezer for after Easter. Wish us luck.

It is now snuggle time, so I am going to hold on to my baby boy before putting him to bed. Good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Charlotte was getting a good 12 inch geyser from her milk box. Our laughter wasn't a good indicator to charlotte that she should stop!