Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I love this video thing. I am going to use up all my allotted space on Blogger.

We went to the skating rink today. My nephews were out of school at noon and so they joined Josh and Jeremy for some skating. I came along to watch and to use our video camera. Rebecca also ended up staying the entire time. Jacob came out at one point for a break and he decided it would be a good time to teach Thomas about "all the things in the world and what they are for". I can't believe we actually got this on film.

I am having fun learning how to use the video camera and also how to use iMovie. There are some limits to the file size you can upload to Blogger and the first clip I created was too big. I'm sure I will figure out how to make bigger and longer movies as time goes by and at some point I will add soundtracks :)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We are going to the Canfield's tomorrow so there should be some more videos/pictures on Friday.

1 comment:

illahee said...

i use photobucket for a lot of my blog video....