Sunday, August 20, 2006


Right before I moved, my Grandmother moved into an independent living apartment. She has had her own house for many years, but she felt like it was really time to go to a place that provided some meals and on-site medical care if necessary.

As part of her moving process, she gave up a lot of her furniture and other things that would not fit in her new apartment. I got these two great pieces of furniture and the crystal and china that now fills the china hutch. It is really important to me to have family legacy and I have loved these pieces of my grandmother's furniture for many years. I love having them in my new house and carrying on tradition.

The hutch needed a little work, so my dad fixed it and then my parents brought it over this week, but I didn't have a chance to unpack all of the china and crystal until today. This unpacking brings me to the dreaded "almost" finished state. Everything I have left to unpack is stuff I don't want to deal with. All of the little things. Therefore, because it is hot and I have done some work today I am going to go camp out on the couch in the basement where it is cool. Many happy weekends!


Anonymous said...

LOVE the hutch! So pretty...

Anonymous said...

Wow! The armoire looks fabulous and it is all done. Nice work. I take it you don't need anymore shelves?
Have fun tonight!

Anonymous said...

Its GORGEOUS, Sarah!

I would like to come over and share a bottle of some nice Russian River Pinot Noir...served up in your crystal glasses.

You are so grown up now! :)