Saturday, February 19, 2011

a day off

Josh and I have wonderful parents. And we live near them. Which means that we have lots of babysitting. And, it means that sometimes they call up on Friday night and beg to take our kids off our hands. Who are we to say no? In fact, Josh's parents took our kids all day today as well. We got to go to Costco by ourselves! and we went to lunch together - just us! and we went to a movie with Josh's brother and sister in law! and then we went out afterward for pie and coffee! It felt really decadent. I fought with the guilt a little, but when we got to their house, the kids were really happy, playing outside and having a grand time. And, I think their grandparents had a grand time too.

Josh's parents have both a keyboard and a drum kit in their house, much to the delight of the children. Even Charlotte is quite the little drummer. And, Thomas and Charlotte got to play with their cousin, Catalina, which is a true delight for them.

When I put Thomas to bed tonight, we laid down and talked for a few minutes and he told me all about his day. He told me he got to push his cart and that he and Charlotte had fun with Grandma and Grandpa. I love that he will just lay there and talk to me. It gives me a little picture into his world.

So, we got a true day off today. I missed the kids, but really enjoyed spending time with my husband and having him all to myself for the day. We are truly grateful to Grandma and Grandpa for the time.

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