Monday, September 04, 2006

Road Trip

We headed out on Saturday to the Gorge to hear Dave Matthews Band. It was one of the most beautiful weekends we've had all summer. Perfect sunny skies and 90 degrees. The Columbia looked fantastic. I was feeling nostalgic for all of the Labor Day weekends I spent making the drive back to Whitworth. We saw a lot of trailers heaped with boxes and furniture and heading to college. The concert was great - the band played for 3 hours. I've seen them before and every concert is different because they riff on a bunch of songs, so you always get a new experience. We had a really good time.

Today, we helped Robb and Reba demo their kitchen. Their contractor starts tomorrow on a new kitchen. We started out pulling up linoleum and ended by hanging new doors throughout the house. The men got to do the fun work of pulling down walls and studs. Their was a great deal of laughing as boards were flying through the air. Reba and I worked on getting the doors installed. She is now a certified expert with the nail gun. They posted pictures on their blog - linked above.

Now I am ready to drop from all of the work. Hope everyone is well. Lots of trips coming up and Jacobs birthday is tomorrow so their will be more fun pictures. Happy Labor Day!


Anonymous said...

Sarah, You failed to mention that you are now an expert at hanging new doors and are willing to contratct yourself out to anyone who wants to remodel their house. Seeing you and Rebecca with a level in hand, shimming doors to perfect plumb and securing them with a nail gun would lead an observer to think some tool crazy mentor must have raised you right!

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder who wrote the above comment?