Sunday, September 23, 2007

Autumn On the Sticks

Happy First day of Autumn!

I've been knitting like crazy as the days grow colder and I promised Joanne I'd put some pictures up on the blog. Two years ago at our girls knitting weekend, we knitted shawls from extra yarn we had in our stash and odds and ends we picked up at various knitting stores. I've been wearing mine a lot lately and I thought I'd make a new one - with fall colors. The one above is all oranges and browns and greens. Perfect as the weather changes. The pattern for these shawls is really simple and can be found here.
A couple weekends ago, my mom and sisters and I spent the night in Seattle and we went to 8 yarn stores. It was great to get together and hang out. We watched a movie and worked on our projects. The shawl above was from the book Scarf Style. You can see it on the left - it is one of my new favorites.

Josh and I head to New York next weekend to hang out with our friends from the Daily Tube. I will be staying the following week for business. I get to go to New York once or twice a year and I used to be sad that I had never lived there. Then I moved to Seattle. I love living here so much that it makes me sad when I have to leave. It is so green and fresh here.

We have been full of activity lately and enjoying our new house. Our kittens keep growing and getting into trouble. We love them and they are a little bit like dogs. They follow us around the house and curl up with us while we are watching TV. I'm off to get things ready for tomorrow morning :)


Anonymous said...

Pretty new shawls!

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

Hooray for pictures...I finally came to check and **surprise, surprise** you'd updated AND added pictures!!

Love the new shawl, makes me want another...

And the kitties are cute!