Tuesday, December 05, 2006


While everyone else was playing in the snow last week, I was down for the count. I spent 2 days at home coughing like an old man. I am still recovering even a week later. We are at the point of winter when it gets dark early and I want to go home and curl up in front of the fire. Unfortunately, I have not had the chimney man out yet to certify that a fire is a good idea. I've put it on the list of things to do when I have a few days at home after Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, I am really excited that I have (mostly) finished all of my shopping and I am counting down the days until I can give the gifts. I love Christmas and my favorite part is watching people open the gifts. It is such a fun and surprising time. I have been loving my Christmas tree and I have it set up to turn on automatically so when I come home at night it is on and when I get up in the morning it is on. So pretty.

I hope all of your holiday plans are shaping up nicely, too.